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Introducing AQVC Discovery: A platform for LPs, VCs, and many more
Introducing AQVC Discovery: A platform for LPs, VCs, and many more
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Introducing our latest investment in Frst Capital, a prominent early-stage VC firm dedicated to supporting French founders. Following a thorough observation of the French VC landscape, we recognize the substantial and unequal benefits for local pre-seed and seed stage funds that maintain a close, on-the-ground presence, fostering stronger connections with founders at their earliest stages.

Additionally, we have some very exciting developments to share with you. The venture capital ecosystem has seen exponential growth, yet the ability to invest in top-notch venture fund managers and make great returns has predominantly been a privilege of institutions and industry experts. We aim to bridge this gap by expanding our offering beyond the fund of funds, providing family offices and professional investors seamless access to premium fund opportunities.

We are thrilled to introduce our new digital solution and something we've been pouring our hearts into: the AQVC Discovery Platform. Think of it as your new digital hub where LPs, GPs, and service providers in the venture capital world can connect, engage, and really make a difference.

👉🏼 Here's Our 'Why':

  • We've seen first-hand how chaotic global VC data can be – and we're on a mission to structure and streamline it.
  • We've met potential Allocators (LPs) who steer clear of VC investments, overwhelmed by the complexities of managing VC deal flows. That's a challenge we're eager to simplify.
  • We feel it's about time the VC space had a tech facelift. And, we're rolling up our sleeves to make it happen.
  • And to all the GPs out there, feeling the fundraising burnout? We're here for you. Truly.

With our Discovery Platform, we aim to become nothing short of the operating system for VC fund investors. The one-stop-shop to find quality funds, streamline investment processes and manage your fund portfolio end to end and from one vintage to another.

👉🏼 Let’s dive into how the platform can be helpful for you:

  • For LPs: Access free, detailed & high quality fund profiles. Discover new funds to invest in globally. Run your due diligence process more efficiently with the help of the platform, where half of the work is already done due to structured and reliable data.
  • For GPs: Showcase your fund profiles that really resonate with LPs. Get LP-Diversification and select LPs that fit your mission. Plus, get tools that allow you to present structured fund data seamlessly.
  • Service Providers: Stand out with a unique profile and reach a global VC audience that truly values your services.  

We're passionate about transforming an asset class traditionally reserved for few well-connected entities and making it available to a wider audience. We are doing this with our digital platform and our evergreen VC fund-of-funds. By doing so, we hope to fulfil the increasing demand for high-quality venture capital products and make venture capital a staple in diversified investor portfolios.

Are you eager to see our new digital solution in action? Schedule a call here and we are thrilled to give you a personalized walkthrough of the AQVC Discovery platform. We genuinely believe you'll love what you see.

AQVC Discovery Platform
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